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API Tokens

Programmatic access to Kriten is provided via API tokens (keys). API tokens are generated per user and adhere RBAC rules.

To generate API token, a user need to have a valid login into Kriten. Following CRUD operations are available for the users:

  • Add API token
POST /api/v1/api_tokens

Body of request:

    "description": "My persional API Token",
    "enabled": true,
    "expires": "2024-09-13T13:54:06Z"

API token object fields reference:

Key Description
description (Optional) description of the API token
enabled (Optional) state of the API token - true or false, if not specified default will be True
expires (Optional) If not specified, will never expire - data will be defaulted to 0000-01-01

Response json body:

    "id": "c38ef92a-522e-41bb-ae5b-ab29a16727d4",
    "owner": "d9acf53d-6d9e-46ec-b352-2e99086ecb97",
    "key": "kri_rbaurEcVyGJIjRioWIaiT3WteVh8ndlVQAEl",
    "description": "My personal API Token",
    "created_at": "2024-09-13T13:58:03.430602592Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-09-13T13:58:03.430602592Z",
    "expires": "2024-09-13T13:54:06.283Z",
    "enabled": true
Key Description
id Unique API token identifier, used for operations against token after creation
key *API Token value
owner User unique ID, owner of the token
description Description of the API token
enabled Token is enabled and can be used
expires Expiry date and time
created_at Date and time, when Token was created
updated_at Date and time, when Token was last updated

Content of field key is actual API Token only returned once at the time of Token creation. Token is automatically encryped at store and won't be shown again.

Example using API token with curl command:

curl --header 'Token:kri_rbaurEcVyGJIjRioWIaiT3WteVh8ndlVQAEl' -X GET $KRITEN_URL'/api/v1/runners'
  • List API tokens
GET /api/v1/api_tokens

For non-admin user only own API tokens will be returned, if RBAC permissions not granted to get all.

Admin user will see all tokens by following query:

GET /api/v1/api_tokens/all
  • Update API token
PATCH /api/v1/api_tokens/c38ef92a-522e-41bb-ae5b-ab29a16727d4

Update method can modify description, enabled and expires fields.

  • Delete API token
DELETE /api/v1/api_tokens/c38ef92a-522e-41bb-ae5b-ab29a16727d4